Navigating the Noise about Ultra Processed Foods, the Healthy Way

Navigating the Noise about Ultra Processed Foods, the Healthy Way

Among the nutrition-related topics garnering significant attention in recent years are Ultra Processed Foods. Understanding their definition, potential health concerns, and the impact they can have on some individuals is vital to fostering a balanced and informed approach to eating for health.

In this blog, I delve into the world of Ultra Processed Foods (UPFs), explore the potential reasons for concern, and discuss how to maintain a healthy relationship with these foods in the modern environment in which they are ubiquitous.

What are Ultra Processed Food?

UPFs, as the name suggests, defines food products that have undergone extensive processing and contain artificial ingredients. They are considered to be ‘formulations made mostly or entirely from substances derived from foods’ plus refined sugars or non-sugar sweeteners, trans fats or sodium; with the addition of any number of industrial chemical additives. For example, preservatives, dyes and other colours, and flavours, stabilisers, processing aids, bulking or anti-bulking agents and emulsifiers.

The NOVA classification, the mostly widely adopted system for categorising foods based on their level of processing, places UPFs in Group 4, representing the most heavily processed foods.

They are packaged, branded food products, designed for longevity on the shelf and require little or no preparation. Convenient, often heavily marketed, and cheap - it may come as no surprise that many of us are likely to consume a UPF daily. UPFs now account for 56.8% of total energy intake and 64.7% of total free sugars in the UK diet.


The consumption of UPFs has been associated with several health concerns. Whilst the research is still in relative infancy, and to-date there have been no double-blind placebo controlled trials specifically on UPFs (the gold standard of studies), the indications are that high UPF intake is linked to increased risks of obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.

Excessive high sugar, trans fat and sodium intake, plus excessive exposure to additives and even other contaminants that can leach into food from packaging, are all thought to contribute to low-grade inflammation, disrupting the body's natural balance and potentially feeding into longer-term health issues.


Just as biodiversity is essential for healthy ecosystems in which to grow food, diversity in our diets is healthy for the ecosystem of microbes in our guts which thrive on the array of fibres and polyphenols in plant foods.

A ‘narrow diet’, or dietary ‘dependence’ on any food/food group may run some level of risk for our health. When consumption of UPFs comes at the expense of eating plenty of whole foods, there will likely be a bearing on the diversity of the gut microbiome, for example. Plus, additives and other ingredients in UPFs may also precipitate unfavourable changes in the gut microbiome.

The Trap of Food ‘Addiction’

Another reason UPFs have raised concern is their potential to trigger addictive behaviours in some individuals. When food manufacturers combine high levels of sugar, salt and fats in palatable formulations this is thought to stimulate the brain's reward centres, leading to cravings and overconsumption.

This food-reward relationship can create a cycle of dependence, making it challenging for some people to resist these foods, even when they are aware of their negative health effects. Whilst the existence of food addiction is a highly debated topic, there is no doubt that people’s lived experience in relationship with certain foods can feel addictive.

The Danger of LabelLing Foods as 'Bad'

Understandably, all this talk about processed foods and health might make you feel anxious of concerned about the state of the food industry, and perhaps want to opt out of commercialised eating all together. If this is you, I totally get this! Personally, I am all for a complete reevaluation of our food production practices, and would love to see a shift towards more health- and environmentally-friendly approaches that emphasise local food networks and natural agriculture techniques.

However, I also believe that while it is important to be aware of potential health risks of excessive reliance on UPF, it is worth remembering there is no evidence to indicate risk associated with occasional intake. This is an important distinction that isn’t clear when we read the headlines.

What’s more, the labelling of all UPFs as inherently 'bad' may also be counterproductive for some individuals with respect to their relationship to food. With so much information about nutrition available to us now and the wellness industry aspiring to motivate us all to be our ‘best selves’, adopting a perfectionist mindset, or an all-or-nothing mindset, around food can lead to guilt and shame around choices, and trap people in unhealthy restrictive eating cycles. This in turn carries its own risks to health and wellbeing.

Not ALL Processed Foods Are Equal

If you’re already feeling a little fearful of UPFs, or overwhelmed around the topic and the bearing on your own daily diet choices and health, then I encourage you to zoom out for a moment and read on.

I believe it is really important to dive deeper into the definitions of UPFs that have been devised, and acknowledge that not all processed foods are created equal. There are actually four categories in the NOVA classification: Group 1: Unprocessed or Minimally Processed Foods, Group 2: Processed Culinary Ingredients, Group 3: Processed Foods and Group 4: Ultra Processed Foods.

Below I share a list of foods that sit in Group 3: Processed Foods:

  • canned or bottled vegetables, fruits and legumes

  • salted or sugared nuts and seeds

  • salted, pickled, cured or smoked meats and other animal foods

  • canned fish

  • fruits in syrup

  • cheeses

  • fresh breads

  • plain yoghurt

  • anything you make yourself at home or eat in a restaurant that combines unprocessed foods with processed culinary ingredients such as vegetable oils crushed from various seeds or nuts, or fruits such as olives; butter and lard obtained from milk and pork; starches extracted from corn and other plants; sugar and molasses obtained from cane or beet; honey extracted from combs and syrup from maple trees; and salt mined or from seawater.

These are all considered processed - even without the industrialisation piece. Most people reading this will likely recognise foods they eat regularly in this list. My point here is to highlight that some food processing is, on balance, a pretty good thing - it can make food edible, safe and tasty.

As I’ve already mentioned, the thing that really differentiates UPFs is the addition of at least one item characteristic of the ultra-processed food group, which is to say either food substances never or rarely used in kitchens, or classes of additives whose function is to make the final product palatable or more appealing.

This definition actually makes UPFs a huge category. And, in theory, it means that a product could be full of ‘whole’ or unprocessed food(s), but because of the addition of one stabiliser or emulsifier, it fits the ultra processed classification.

You might not be surprised to read that the following are considered UPFs:

  • carbonated sugary drinks

  • sweet and savory packaged snacks (e.g., chips and cookies)

  • breakfast cereals 

  • instant noodles

  • microwave-ready meals 

  • candy

  • fast food 

  • flavoured yoghurts

  • sausages, burgers, hot dogs and nuggets

But these UPFs might make you look again:

  • store-bought bread, yes even that from the local artisan baker

  • store-bought hummus

  • all store-bought chocolate, whatever the quality

  • cold cuts of meat

  • tofu and other plant-based meat substitutes

  • nut butters

  • all energy bars or granola bars

  • sparkling water

I think this all illustrates a point that while some UPFs may be loaded with potentially harmful additives and ‘empty calories’, some others may only contain nominal added ingredients, offering convenience without compromising on nutritional value.

It’s my view that lumping so many foods into one ‘naughty’ UPF category, without respect of the actual nutritional content, makes NOVA an imperfect system if using it as a measure of how healthful a food actually is.

Developing a Healthy Relationship with Ultra Processed Foods

Even if you wanted to cut all UPFs food out of your diet completely, in today’s world this could prove quite a challenge, even for the most vigilant of eaters. If you were successful at taking a more purist approach at home, you’re likely going to bump up against processed foods the minute you step out.

This is why, in my view, the key to a balanced approach to food lies in mindful awareness around health and nutritional factors, whilst taking an overall intuitive approach to eating.

Here are my top tips to help you foster a healthier relationship with UPFs as part of this:

  • Adopt a varied diet to improve your overall balance: You can naturally reduce your UPF intake by focussing on a varied diet rich in whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and natural fats, and minimally processed foods. Try not to always buy food in the supermarket which promotes food crop homogeneity - try markets, farmers markets and unusual online food shops.

  • Prepare or cook meals at home as often as you can: Preparing meals at home allows you to have more control over the ingredients, making it easier to reduce reliance on heavily processed foods.

  • Read labels: Educate yourself about the ingredients in packaged foods that you’re picking up in the supermarket frequently. If you can choose the products with fewer additives and lower levels of added sugars, fats, and sodium, without feelings likely you’re massively compromising on taste, then go for it!

  • Conscious snacking: Remember UPFs aren’t all equal, so don’t throw out all your favourite energy bars in a hurry, but do check out the ingredients and if you find there’s more than five or so things in there you don’t recognise as food or can’t pronounce, then consider some delicious alternatives you can ‘upgrade’ to. Snacks might be based on a mix of unprocessed and minimally processed foods for example crudités and hummus, yoghurt and fruits, nuts and dark chocolate, water with a natural flavour enhancer, for example.

  • Eat mindfully: Practicing mindful eating can help you focus on savouring the flavours, textures, and increase satisfaction from food. Interestingly, I’ve often observed that when clients slow down and really ‘taste’ their food, the less processed foods can become considerably more interesting and satisfying. and the appeal of UPFs can reduce.

  • Trust your body: If you can really learn to listen to your body and learn from your personal experiences, your will help guide you intuitively towards those foods that make you personally feel good and what is ‘worth it’ when it comes to eating certain foods, including UPFs.

  • Identify triggers: Reflect on the situations or emotions that lead you to over-consume UPFs. Understanding your triggers can help you find healthier coping mechanisms for stress, boredom, or emotional eating.

  • Engage in regular physical activity: Regular exercise can help you manage stress, improve your mood and overall sense of wellbeing, and positively influence your whole approach to eating habits.

  • Be kind to yourself: Understand that everyone's relationship with food is different. There is sometimes a place for convenience and that’s ok. Drop the guilt or self-judgment when you do consume UPFs.

  • Get a helping hand: If you are concerned that you are over-eating UPFs for convenience or for emotional reasons, then working with a nutrition professional can help you work through your challenges. If you feel ‘addicted’ to certain foods, then focussing on nourishment and eating a variety of foods may help balance your gut and brain chemistry generally helping you feel less out of control around these foods. Again, a nutrition professional can help you along this journey.


UPFs are at the heart of the globalisation of food markets, and are usually created with profit, not health in mind. Yes, excessive consumption may present valid concerns for public health and awareness around this is important, but it’s my view that, for most people, they can coexist within a balanced, healthy diet.

Recognising that not all UPFs are equal, tapping into nutritional education, understanding the importance of dietary variety, and embracing mindful eating practices, can all empower individuals to make informed choices while enjoying a healthy, intuitive and sustainable relationship with food.

If your gut health is compromised, or you feel out of control around food and are concerned about the impact of your eating patterns on your health or wellbeing, then it’s important to seek help from a nutritional professional who can both educate and help you realign your personal approach and connection with food.

Reference sources include:





Next steps

Are you feeling out of control around food? Do you have challenges with your energy, gut health or digestion? Are you looking for a fresh approach to nutrition that values your physical and emotional wellbeing?

My personalised support brings together Nutritional Therapy with intuitive approaches to behaviour change, empowering you to live a healthier life in harmony with food and your body.

If you would you benefit from this type of support, then please check out my private programmes here, or contact me for an exploratory chat to find out more.

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